HOMOZON© is an Oxygen Therapy product designed for internal use. It is a compound of Oxygen and beneficial gases bonded to magnesium in which the magnesium atoms form a loose lattice onto which much Oxygen is bonded by a proprietary catalytic process and released by catalysts. The health benefitting action is derived from the presence of magnesium peroxide, magnesium super-oxide and magnesium ozonide. Homozon© provides Oxygen to the body in the form of Nascent or "singlet" Oxygen (also called the Oxygen free-radical) which does not have to be converted by the body into a form (atmospheric Oxygen . . . O2 . . . ) we normally breathe. Nascent Oxygen is Oxygen in it's most freely, available and active chemical state, and is the only state of Oxygen the body uses. It is the basic gentle Oxidizing preparation of Oxygen-Therapy-Blass©. It is a mild laxative, recommended for all ailments due to constipation or faulty assimilation, metabolism or elimination.
What Is Oxygen - Its Origin - Its Action?
Oxygen is the most important element of life. We find this life-giving element as molecular Oxygen in the air. A healthy body can inhale and transport enough Oxygen to maintain itself in good repair.
But, due to an ever increasing lack of, destruction of and polluting of the Oxygen (as well as food and water) in our environment, we see disease and suffering on the increase. An ailing body often cannot make use of Oxygen efficiently through inhaling either normally or artificially because in most cases the necessary biological carriers (minerals, nutrients, blood factors) for it are lacking. Subsequently the Oxidation process falls short and acute. Chronic and incurable ills result. Fasting would allow the Oxidation of disease matter, but fasting is limited as molecular Oxygen cannot Oxidize quickly enough to eliminate all disease causing impurities or foreign matter (toxins).
Therefore in order to succeed, we need other Oxygenating or Oxidizing methods to eliminate the cause of disease. We make use of Oxygen in another form using other channels than the respiratory tract. Since the real cause of disease is located in the digestive tract and its organs, we therefore must deliver the purifying natural agents directly to the alimentary (digestive) tract. Starting the detoxification or purification directly from that point, enhances the creation and circulation of normal vital fluids. Only, if the passages are clean, their composition pure and perfect, can we then expect a normal working body or that state we call homeostasis or health.
Oxygen-Therapy-Blass© and its basic preparations releasing "Nascent Oxygen" within the body
These Laxative and Anti-Laxative Alkaline Compounds are not poisonous medicines but life-giving and supporting elements. Oxygen is the most important element of Life. Everybody should be aware of this fact. It is the source of life and through Oxidation the universe is maintained. We find this life-giving element as molecular Oxygen (02 or 2 atoms in 1 molecule) in the air (about 21% by volume) and a healthy body can inhale and transport enough to maintain itself in good repair.
Therefore: "Do Not" allow any organ to be taken out of your body, but keep your body intact as nature has made it.
Molecular Oxygen was first found in the air by the physician "Priestly" in 1774, however, the presence of its life-giving power was known long before. We find references in history to the "Breath of Life" and "Prana" in all ancient civilizations. The German chemist "Scheele" had found Oxygen in the air in 1773. Priestly was the first man who showed the Oxygen road to a drugless, knife free and needle-less healing. He truly was inspirer of our present day 'Oxygen-Therapy-Blass©'. Following his directions given in 1774, many humane and worthy physicians, chemists and other health scientists kept busy trying to reach this goal. Nearly 140 years later a German Chemist, after much hard struggles, successfully reached this end. He discovered and perfected a preparation which proved by practical tests, to be not only a purifier of the alimentary tract but also to release Nascent (free, available, active) Oxygen that follows the channels of the vital fluids. In fact, this Nascent (free, available active) Oxygen is carried by the life circulating fluids throughout the whole body. This enables the ailing body to help itself back to a purified state and a restoration of normal Oxidation. A private, proprietary process is used with alkaline earths to obtain these compounds.
The chemists who discovered these compounds found Oxygen could be bound together by electrical discharge to form Ozone or 03. Ozone is a highly active form of Oxygen that contains three parts (atoms) of Oxygen in one molecule. It is Nature's most active purifier and destroyer of bacteria, germs, parasites and worms. In it's Nascent (free, available, active) form, it is the most powerful Oxidizing agent known and available for healing purposes. Over the last 100 plus years Ozone has been found to be effective in many applications from industrial and municipal water purification to blood purification and full health optimization at home and abroad.
Ozone is evident in nature by its fresh, invigorating odors in the pine forest and at the seashore or following a thunder and lightning storm. Oxygen is contained in this Ozone form in our basic preparations, acting as laxative or anti-laxative depending on the specific preparation used. The positive action of the Nascent (free, available, active) Oxygen makes these preparations unsurpassed as natural purifiers.
Dr. Otto Warburg, the only person in the history of medicine to win the Nobel Prize twice in medicine (nominated three times) found that any cell deprived of 50% or more of its Oxygen turned cancerous! Because, the true cause of all disease is cellular degeneration and death the end result. Keeping the body and its components, the cells, in top working order is imperative.
There is no better way of detoxifying the body and thereby the system, organs and cells of the body than through enhancing the oxidative/reductive mechanism or as Dr. Warburg said, to literally "FLOOD THE BODY WITH OXYGEN."
The most efficient Oxidizing agent known is Ozone. More than 100 years of scientific study and practical usage has brought this conclusion to the minds of many scientists, industrial experts and health care practitioners. Whenever true Nascent (free, available, active) Oxygen releasing preparations have been used properly in the treatment of disease, the results have been astonishing. However, Nascent (free, available, active) Oxygen in its gaseous form cannot be easily brought into the alimentary (digestive) tract for optimizing health; it can only do so if bound to other substances (minerals, water, etc.)
The compound, HOMOZON© – corporately called Oxygen-Therapy-Blass© – are part of a life style program originating in 1898 and encompassing more than 100 years of oxidative scientific study. The scientists involved have been illustrious and many. The therapy they founded in Germany came to the USA in 1900, was optimized in 1990 with scientific studies continuing today. The present institute is involved in the translation of vast amounts of German data being used for further optimization of these compounds and the proliferation of the "Oxygen-Therapy-Blass©" lifestyle.
Why is OXIDATION so vital to human life? When Oxidation stops, then life stops. Its shortage causes poor health. Its abundance maintains good strong health.
GOOD HEALTH is the condition of being physically and mentally sound, a normal functioning strong body.
POOR HEALTH is poor functioning, unhealthy weak body, damaged health due to impure vital fluids and poor functioning organs.
HEALING is the elimination of the cause of poor health, the restoration and repair of damaged health.
Oxygen-Therapy-Blass© is a basic plan for the restoration and maintenance of health through Oxygen. The body is invigorated by Oxygen.
OXYGEN in its most active state is a natural purifier and revitalizes and rejuvenates health. The best purifying and strongest Oxidizing agent for the body is Ozone which releases Nascent (free, available, active) or Active Oxygen. It is bound to minerals and set free in the digestive system where it easily combines with moisture, organic and inorganic substances through Oxidation. It neutralizes and removes toxins or poisons, heavy metals and harmful anaerobic bacteria to rebuild a strong healthy body. Active Oxygen Oxidizes within the digestive system, blood, organs, cells, open wounds and inflamed mucus membranes.
ACTIVE OXYGEN is safe, gentle and not habit-forming permitting normal bowel activity. It helps normal intestinal flora. Use it every day to keep the digestive system free of toxins or poisons permitting better use of essential minerals and nutrients.
ACTIVE OXYGEN works well for skin care in baths and washes to open pores, improve circulation, disinfect, deodorize, germicide and heal. It acts as a neutralizing agent and health protector. It is HARMLESS.
HEALTH is maintained when you keep the basic elements of blood in a normal healthy condition. Only then is normal Oxidation possible, the steady repair and support of the body. Oxidation maintains health and life. The lack of it causes damaged health. Without it life stops.
HEALTHY BLOOD is easy flowing, thin, real red, and is the necessary part to a strong healthy body. Such, normal vital fluids can carry enough inhaled Oxygen to maintain normal healthy Oxidation processes. Oxidation sustains strong organs and cells to do their normal function.
When foreign matters of any kind (like poisonous drugs, toxins, fermented or decayed substances) enter the blood stream and there is a lack of "Mineral Elements and Oxygen" then you change the normal composition of the vital fluids. Damaged health, subnormal body function, gradual decay or starvation of the body will result.
Living by the "Laws of Nature" helps prevent poor health and maintain good strong health. Prove it by providing your body with regular exercise, enough rest, pure food, pure water and fresh air with the Oxygen-Therapy-Blass© plan.
No other product today contains as much available Oxygen as the "Original Oxygen-Therapy-Blass©" (with Registered Trade Mark and Seal) product commonly known as HOMOZON©.
HOMOZON© is an Oxygen Therapy product designed for internal use. It is a compound of Oxygen and beneficial gases bonded to magnesium in which the magnesium atoms form a loose lattice onto which much Oxygen is bonded by a proprietary catalytic process and released by catalysts. The health benefitting action is derived from the presence of magnesium peroxide, magnesium super-oxide and magnesium ozonide. Homozon© provides Oxygen to the body in the form of Nascent or "singlet" Oxygen (also called the Oxygen free-radical) which does not have to be converted by the body into a form (atmospheric Oxygen . . . O2 . . . ) we normally breathe. Nascent Oxygen is Oxygen in it's most freely, available and active chemical state, and is the only state of Oxygen the body uses. It is the basic gentle Oxidizing preparation of Oxygen-Therapy-Blass©. It is a mild laxative, recommended for all ailments due to constipation or faulty assimilation, metabolism or elimination.
Directions for HOMOZON©:
Daily rations vary according to intended purpose. For internal use it is best to use small quantities at short intervals. Take about ¼ to several teaspoons as often daily as is desirable. Stir into 6-8 ounces of pure spring water or distilled water and swallow. Follow with sufficient diluted acid, preferably lemon juice (¼ to ½ lemon) in water after each dose or you may also use citric acid or betaine hydrochloride tablets. This will begin dissolving the powder setting free the beneficial gases for action releasing Oxygen inside the digestive tract producing many benefits. The purifying action continues when combined with hydrochloric acid in the digestive tract or blood. This Active Oxygen is time released in about an 8-hour period.
(Easy access to a bathroom is advised for several hours after each serving is taken.)
It cleanses the bowel, and has anti-fungal, anti-candida, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.
Homozon© has a wonderful laxative effect. The stool is always loose and bowel movement regular and, depending on the dosage, frequent. Some people consider the bowel-loosening action of Homozon© a problem, but is really one of its desired effects, facilitating elimination of toxicity through the bowel. However Homozon© works by Oxidizing toxins and fecal matter in the bowel and not by irritating it as with conventional laxatives
The preparations are non-poisonous, not habit-forming, harmless in large doses, produce no bad after effects, usable by young and old, internally and externally.
When active Oxygen comes in contact with toxins or poisons, heavy metals, bacteria or viruses, they are neutralized by Oxidation. Therefore, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms: soft stools (not diarrhea but oxidation), opening of sinus or nasal passage and a mild tingling sensation. The stool will normalize when the system becomes free of toxins or poisons. These are healing reactions, natural cleansing processes and not harmful side effects. Above all do not give up even if you decide to decrease the dosage. Do not misinterpret the symptoms as "bad" but rather be grateful for them. It is the price for recovery of your health.
• The following is taken from an information sheet provided by the manufacturer and is not to be construed as medical advice.
What can be expected while using Homozon©?
The first effect one can expect while taking Homozon© is enhanced excretory function. Commonly noted also is an increase in overall energy. Where the increase in bowel function never completely abates, it does ease as cellular toxicity lessens and one remains on the product for some time. Effects do vary between individuals somewhat, but enhanced bowel function and increase in energy are the most noted effects.
How long will the 'loose stool' effect continue?
Homozon© does not cause diarrhea. Increased doses equals increased bowel function and improved assimilation. Effects do range from a loose stool to clear water, depending on the doses.
Remember . . . This is enhanced Oxidation / Oxygenation . . . NOT pathological diarrhea with its accompanying sluggishness, dehydration and electrolyte depletion. Homozon© increases assimilation and enhances acidophilus and friendly bacteria production; actually repairing bowel function, oxygenating the body, improving blood quality and assisting in parasite elimination.
What is the daily dose of Homozon© and how is it taken?
The dosage for an adult ranges from one quarter to several teaspoons two or more times daily at least, morning and evening.
The average maintenance dosage is a teaspoon, or more, as desired. Homozon© is mixed into pure distilled, filtered or spring water, and then drunk.
Follow immediately with ¼ to ½ of a lemon squeezed into four to six ounces of pure water.
Repeated tests on the product over the past 100 years to determine the safe and effective usage has found,
up to thirty-two teaspoons can be consumed in one day with no detrimental effects noted.
Dosage and frequency of use should be regulated by your physician or natural health care practitioner.
The product is non-toxic, harmless, beneficial, effective and healthful.
*** The reputation of real Oxidation and Oxygen therapy has been validated by Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Otto Warburg, director of the Max Planck Institute on Cell Physiology in Germany and the ONLY person to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine twice, with a three-time nomination.
The whole purpose of Oxygen-Therapy-Blass© and Oxygen Therapies in general is to assist in fulfilling the dictates of
Dr. Otto Warburg who said to "FLOOD THE BODY WITH OXYGEN!"
The number of scientists, researchers, practitioners and patients who have received both the scientific and healing rewards of "Oxidation Oriented Therapy?" They now number in the millions with no detrimental side effects whatsoever.
*** Homozon© was first developed in 1898 in Germany, since then the formulation has been improved a number of times. Today there are many copycat oxygen products on the market. However we believe Homozon© is still the most effective product available. Oxygen content of one teaspoonful delivers about as much singlet oxygen as one 16-ounce bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Another example is one teaspoon delivers about as much singlet oxygen as 750 drops of 35% hydrogen peroxide. For those who are new to oxygen therapy that is a lot of oxygen!
*** The oldest oxidation organization in the world was founded as the Institute for Oxygen Therapy in Berlin in 1898. They commissioned Dr. F.M. Eugene Blass to open the Eastern American Association for Oxygen Therapy, which continues today as the International Association for Oxygen Therapy, Priest River, ID, USA
The information contained in this document is for educational purposes only.
It is not intended as medical advice, diagnostic nor prescriptive.
Copyrights registered F. M. E. Blass 1927; 1943; IAOT 1982.
"Homozon is the safest and most effective bowel and body cleanse on the planet.
Dr. George Freibott says, "Homozon is even safe for children and pets." Always consult your family practitioner before giving any supplement to children under 2."
"Homozon stands in a class of its own. You cannot fail to be impressed with this product." --Ed McCabe